It's my dream and my mission to give computers the ability to think about the world more like a person and less like a machine. Equally important is putting this innovation into practice in a way that effects real business outcomes and transforms our everyday lives. I have twenty years of experience in directing and doing cutting edge research, operationalizing it, and using it to drive real outcomes. In many ways, I'm a product of the MIT Media Lab which taught me that technology is most valuable when it dreams big, thinks about it's users, and doesn't forget to make a demo as soon as possible.
I have done research in word embeddings, transfer learning, multilingual NLP, and machine learning. I invented crowd-sourcing for artificial intelligence in the 1990s. I spent over ten years helping companies who worked with MIT understand how to succeed in innovation and bring research into the enterprise. I've also on the other side, founding two companies and partnering to bring additional research advances into the market and into the enterprise.
At the Media Lab, I directed the Digital Intuition Group. I run the ConceptNet project a large open data repository of common sense knowledge freely available online which I co-started with Marvin Minsky and Push Singh in 1999.
I'm also passionate about education and using data to help solve world problems. I'm an avid speaker about data and natural language processing.